Titel År | Antal | Betyg |
![](ner.gif) | ![](ner.gif) | ![](ner.gif) |
New York Stories (1989) | 8 | 2,63 |
King of the Hill - Hjälten från Saint Louis (1993) | 0 | - |
Änglar finns! (1994) | 11 | 2,45 |
Bullet (1996) | 6 | 3,33 |
Solo (1996) | 5 | 2,20 |
Senast jag begick självmord (1997) | 1 | 2,00 |
Six Ways to Sunday (1997) | 0 | - |
Den tunna röda linjen (1998) | 118 | 3,33 |
Restaurant (1998) | 0 | - |
Liberty Heights (1999) | 2 | 3,00 |
Summer of Sam (1999) | 24 | 3,04 |
Bröd och rosor (2000) | 4 | 3,50 |
Harrison's Flowers (2000) | 9 | 4,11 |
Farlig intrig (2001) | 0 | - |
Pianist, The (2002) | 264 | 4,16 |
Dummy (2002) | 2 | 3,00 |
Singing Detective, The (2003) | 3 | 2,00 |
Village, The (2004) | 212 | 2,71 |
Buried Secrets of M. Night Shyamalan, The (2004) | 1 | 4,00 |
King Kong (2005) | 307 | 3,32 |
Jacket, The (2005) | 54 | 3,54 |
Hollywoodland (2006) | 11 | 2,45 |
Darjeeling Limited, The (2007) | 75 | 2,84 |
Manolete (2007) | 1 | 3,00 |
Cadillac Records (2008) | 7 | 3,71 |
Brothers Bloom, The (2008) | 19 | 3,16 |
Splice (2009) | 21 | 3,05 |
High School (2009) | 1 | 3,00 |
Giallo (2009) | 2 | 1,50 |
Predators (2010) | 50 | 2,42 |
Experiment, The (2010) | 14 | 2,64 |
Midnatt i Paris (2011) | 26 | 3,35 |
Wrecked (2011) | 2 | 2,50 |
Detachment (2011) | 10 | 3,60 |
Third Person (2013) | 1 | 3,00 |
Grand Budapest Hotel, The (2014) | 26 | 3,58 |
Dragon Blade (2015) | 2 | 3,00 |
Backtrack (2015) | 2 | 3,00 |
Bullet Head (2017) | 2 | 3,00 |
French Dispatch, The (2020) | 2 | 3,50 |
Blonde (2022) | 0 | - |
See How They Run (2022) | 1 | 3,00 |