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Grundad 2002

Scary miss Mary:s sida

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Sofia Coppola
x The Virgin Suicides
x Lost in Translation
x Marie- Antoinette

Quentin Tarantino
x Reservoir Dogs
x Pulp Fiction
x Four Rooms
x Jackie Brown
x Kill Bill: Vol.1
x Kill Bill: Vol.2
> Inglorious Bastards

Sofia Coppola
x The Virgin Suicides
x Lost in Translation
x Marie- Antoinette

Quentin Tarantino
x Reservoir Dogs
x Pulp Fiction
x Four Rooms
x Jackie Brown
x Kill Bill: Vol.1
x Kill Bill: Vol.2
> Inglorious Bastards
Namn: Sandra Johansson
Ålder: 38
Ort: Trollhättan
Hemsida: http://
Favoritfilm: Lost in Translation
Min biodagbok
Antal aktiva dagar: 388 ( i år)
Antal betygsatta filmer: 241
Medlem sedan: 2004-11-04 18:15:41
Senaste besök: 2009-02-23 21:29:43
Genomsnittsbetyg: 2,88
Antal nya filmtips: 5
Mer statistik
Senaste betygen
Baby Mama 2,0 2008-09-11
Into the Wild 4,0 2008-09-11
Funny Games 4,0 2008-09-11
My Mom's New Boyfriend 1,0 2008-09-11
Speed Racer 3,0 2008-09-11
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