En av Sveriges största sajter om film.

Grundad 2002

Tema - Zombies


Titel  År
Dawn of the Dead (1978)923,6
Garden of the Dead (1974)0-
Horror Zombies of the Dead (1974)11,0
Living Dead at Manchester Morgue, The (1974)13,0
Crypt of the Living Dead (1973)0-
Zombis blodshämnd (1973)0-
Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things (1972)13,0
Snake People (1971)0-
Tombs of the Blind Dead (1971)13,0
Night of the Living Dead (1968)993,5
Svart mystik (1943)0-
King of the zombies (1941)22,0
Revolt of the zombies (1936)31,7
Vit vålnad (1932)32,3
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