En av Sveriges största sajter om film.

Grundad 2002

Bokstav: 0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Å Ä Ö

Titel  År
Odjuret (2011)21,0
Operator, The (2000)11,0
Ondskans land (1987)11,0
One More Kiss (1999)11,0
Out of Sight (2014)11,0
Only the Brave (2017)11,0
Overkill (1986)11,0
Operation Zeus (1999)11,0
Oasis of the Zombies (1983)11,0
One Piece - Baron Omatsuri and the Secret Island (2005)11,0
O.J. Simpson Story (1995)11,0
Out for Blood (2004)31,0
Original Kings of Comedy (2000)11,0
Outside Providence (1999)31,3
Ond tro (2010)61,3
Ont väsen (1989)31,3
Octane (2003)31,3
Oh in Ohio, The (2006)51,4
Olycksfågeln nr 13 (1942)21,5
Ond förnimmelse (2001)21,5
Oskuld (2006)61,5
Observe and Report (2009)131,5
Out for a Kill (2003)111,5
Obducenten (1999)51,6
Out of Reach (2004)51,6
One Man's Hero (1999)31,7
Original (2009)31,7
Otis (2008)31,7
Octopus 2 (2001)31,7
Ofarliga sinnen (1996)71,7
Ont blod (1997)41,8
Once a Thief (1996)41,8
Original Sin (2001)71,9
Orca - djupets hämnare (1977)71,9
Omänsklig fasa (1980)91,9
Once Upon a Time in China and America (1997)12,0
Organisationen (1971)12,0
One Way (2006)12,0
Out of Bounds (1986)12,0
Ong Bak 3 (2010)32,0
Operation Delta Force (1997)22,0
Ola & Julia (1967)12,0
Ond rätt igenom (1997)12,0
Oxford Blues (1984)12,0
Off Screen (2005)22,0
Out to Sea (1997)12,0
Olovlig kärlek (1928)22,0
Other Worlds (2004)12,0
Oscar och Lucinda (1997)22,0
OXV: The Manual (2013)12,0

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