Titel År | Antal | Betyg |
Stone Roses: Made of Stone (2013) | 1 | 2,0
Bombay Beach (2011) | 1 | 2,0
State of Play (2013) | 1 | 2,0
Hästmannen - sista striden (2014) | 2 | 2,0
Necessary Evil: Super-Villains of DC Comics (2013) | 1 | 2,0
Back in Time (2015) | 1 | 2,0
American Murder: The Family Next Door (2020) | 1 | 2,0
Kungen (2023) | 1 | 2,0
Cracking the Da Vinci Code (2004) | 9 | 2,2
Min date med Drew (2004) | 8 | 2,3
In Bed with Madonna - sanning eller konsekvens (1991) | 3 | 2,3
Drakens förbannelse (1993) | 6 | 2,3
Comandante (2003) | 3 | 2,3
Complete History of My Sexual Failures, A (2008) | 3 | 2,3
Hemligheten (2006) | 3 | 2,3
Latcho Drom (1993) | 3 | 2,3
Porrkungens tårar (2013) | 3 | 2,3
When You're Strange (2009) | 3 | 2,3
Into the Abyss (2011) | 2 | 2,5
2 steg från Håkan (2011) | 2 | 2,5
Den unge Zlatan (2015) | 2 | 2,5
Generation Iron 2 (2017) | 2 | 2,5
Aileen Wuornos: The Selling of a Serial Killer (1992) | 2 | 2,5
Michael Moore - provokatören (2007) | 2 | 2,5
Shine a Light (2008) | 2 | 2,5
Metallica: Cliff 'Em All! (1987) | 2 | 2,5
Svart vecka i Nimba (1966) | 2 | 2,5
Nunnan (2007) | 4 | 2,5
Bedragaren (2008) | 2 | 2,5
Ku Klux Klan: A Secret History, The (1988) | 2 | 2,5
En dag i Andrej Arsenevitjs liv (2000) | 2 | 2,5
Inside Deep Throat (2005) | 4 | 2,5
I'm Going to Tell You a Secret (2005) | 4 | 2,5
Alice och jag (2006) | 4 | 2,5
Tupac: Resurrection (2003) | 2 | 2,5
Vem mördade Kurt Cobain? (1998) | 7 | 2,6
Where in the World (2008) | 7 | 2,6
Imposter, The (2012) | 7 | 2,6
Pornstar: The Legend of Ron Jeremy (2001) | 5 | 2,6
Aristocrats, The (2005) | 14 | 2,6